If you haven't noticed, I've taken a leave of absence from the blog (biggest understatement of the year). If you've been waiting for reviews or summer news I'm so sorry that it hasn't been coming. But I finally got around to writing all my reviews and they will be here, for you, for the next couple of weeks (I have read so many books you wouldn't believe....). Also, I will try to be better about posting the releases of any anxiously anticipated novels in the next year. I'm sorry it took me ages to post things, but I'm getting right back on it. The fall's going to be rocky as well, so I apologize in advance for the slowness that will be happening.
I love all my faithful followers who didn't give up on me even when I disappeared suddenly! Thanks for sticking with me!
I hope you all had a terrific summer and that you read lots of books. I think I'll have some contests coming up (*wiggles eyebrows suggestively*) so you better stick around. Have an excellent fall, study hard if you're a student, and I'll be posting more soon!

Your blogger,
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